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81. Members of larger groups tend to offer more suggestions than members of smaller groups, and although they seem to reach less a_______ , they also show less tension.
82. A slim boy who hopes to make the wrestling team may routinely overload his plate with foods that are (dense / deficient) in carbohydrates and proteins to ‘bulk up’ like the wrestlers of his school.
83. Living things naturally return to a state of balance. When we are disturbed by forces acting on us, our inner machinery kicks in and returns us to a balanced state of e_______.
84. Teenagers and young people are most (susceptible / unresponsive) to dangerous social media challenges because their brains are not yet fully developed, AAP said.
85. Methane (chemical formula CH4) is one of the simplest hydrocarbons, which literally means “containing h_______ and carbon.”
86. The energy of a hurricane derives from the e_______ of sea water and in turn weakens as it moves over land.
Dry eye syndrome is another eye disease caused by either decreased tear production or increased tear film e_______.
87. Carbon dioxide molecules absorb infrared radiate, so with more of them in the atmosphere, they trap more of the heat radiate off the planet’s surface below.
88. The highly respected physicist Enrico Fermi told his students that an experiment that successfully proves a h_______ is a measurement; one that doesn’t is a discovery.
89. The Earth’s rotation moves winds west to east around the globe and from the e_______ toward the poles.
90. (Horizontal / Vertical) separation of aircraft allows some flights to pass over airports while other processes occur below.
91. During the lunar e_______, Hubble examined sunlight that had passed through Earth’s atmosphere and reflected off of the moon for signatures of ozone.
92. Doing a portrait, for example, the artist may ask the (subject / object) to look serious, not smile ― selecting a certain aspect of the person.
93. As in Aristotelian virtue ethics, Buddhists are to strive for the perfection of a set of moral virtues and personality attributes as their principal end, and all moral behavior flows from the struggle to perfect them. As in virtue ethics, Buddhist ethics focus on the intentionality of actions, whether actions s_______ from hatred, greed, or ignorance.
94. Over-simply, ecosystems map out a food chain in which photosynthesizing
plants are consumed by herbivores, which are in turn consumed by (predators / preys).
95. M_______ result from errors during DNA or viral replication, mitosis, or meiosis or other types of damage to DNA, which then may undergo error-prone repair, cause an error during other forms of repair, or cause an error during replication.
96. Importantly, however, research also shows that even a small number of trees on a farm can have a m_______ impact on species richness.
Unlike pollution, the effects of development are not in principle m_______ by scientific standards; they are always mediated by culture.
97. As the moon orbits around the earth it pulls on the oceans and so produces
the alternation of high and low t_______.
98. Buildings in the area were battered by Hurricane Ian just weeks before Nicole’s arrival, and were further threatened by coastal erode as incoming Nicole pushed rising ocean water onshore on top of exceptionally high tides.
99. The air p_______ that spit out from the car exhaust pipes have been proven to cause cancer, and the carbon dioxide that is emitted causes global warming.
100. Tuna exist in almost unimaginably large numbers in the sea, yet nearly everywhere they exist, they are being sustain harvested.
101. According to Erik Erikson, the psychosocial developmental goal of a_______ is to develop an identity. Personal worth and values create the foundation for a healthy identity, which leads to healthy adult relationships.
102. Not all animal parents provide nourishment for their (ancestor / offspring). For example, crocodile mothers do not actually feed their young, instead preferring to let them learn to feed themselves.
103. The narrowing of our consciousness of time smooths the way to divorce ourselves from responsibility for developments in the past and the future with which our lives are in fact deeply intertwined.
104. A judge i_______ a warrant when a crime occurs outside of an officer’s presence, and evidence is presented that suggests who may have committed it. If you were to commit the crime right in front of the police, then they would just arrest you on the spot without the need for a warrant.
105. Dress and textiles alike are used as a means of verb communication. Obvious examples would be the use of uniforms to communicate a particular social role and the modern white wedding dress Western cultures use to mark this rite of passage.
106. Gorillas build makeshift camps every night to sleep while foraging for food. The male leader will often u_______ a hooting sound as an alarm signal when there is any sign of danger or an unwonted event, immediately capturing his family’s attention.
107. Technological advances have led to a dramatic reduction in the cost of processing and transmitting information. The result is an explosion of information, and that has produced a “p_______ of plenty.” Plentiful information leads to scarcity of attention.
108. Many people use their cleverness to (justify / falsify) and excuse themselves for the messiness of their workspaces. They say things like, “I know where everything is.” Or they say non-humorous things such as, “A clean desk is a sign of a sick mind.”
109. If you got up this morning and started contemplate the shape of your toothbrush or questioning the meaning of toast, you probably would not make it to work.
110. Yet many writers are paralyzed by the thought that they are competing with
everybody else who is trying to write and (presumably / barely) doing it better.
111. Scientists should be careful to reduce b_______ in their experiments. A b_______ occurs when what the scientist expects changes how the results are viewed. This expectation might cause a scientist to select a result from one trial over those from other trials.
112. According to this survey, some 8 percent of all American children spend an average of 24 hours a week with video games; kids who do this obsess show symptoms of addiction—playing gives them a high, and they feel withdrawal symptoms when they don’t play.
113. It is often observed that once interaction between humans and pets has arisen, the termination of such interactional sequences invariably (originates / separates) from the human. This suggests that activities like walking the dog and playing with the cat only arise when time can be spared from the human owner’s other commitments.
114. According to Saint Augustine, we measure time by mind. The sense of a length of time is indeed a basic human experience, but it depends on the person and his or her m_______ state; consequently it cannot serve as an objective and reproducible indicator of duration of time.
115. Since African American culture (appreciates / dismisses) a greater flexibility of gender roles and accepts a broader range of gender-appropriate behaviors, African American women are not as bound as white women by gender role stereotypes. appreciates
116. An incident in Japan in the 1950s alerted the world to the potential problems of organic mercury in fish. Factories were d_______ mercury into the waters of Minamata Bay, which also harbored a commercial fishing industry. Mercury was being bioaccumulated in the fish tissue and severe mercury poisoning occurred in many people who consumed the fish.
117. We have no written records of Stonehenge, built over 4,000 years ago in England, but its align show its purposes apparently included the determination of seasonal or celestial events.
118. An important advantage of disclosure, as opposed to more aggressive forms of regulation, is its flexibility and respect for the operation of free markets. Regulatory mandates are b_______ swords; they tend to neglect diversity and may have serious unintended adverse effects.
119. Experienced writers invariably write in a climate of discussion. Their writing is usually embed in a context of others’ ideas and opinions.
120. What would qualify as evidence? At a minimum, propositions would be predictive, statistically significant, contain well-defined terms based on observable information, and would eliminate (plausible / improbable) alternative explanations for what is causing a particular problem.
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